Posts Tagged ‘HBS’

Does thinking luxuriously impact your decision-making abilities?

Thursday, January 13th, 2011

credit: lisatozzi

You know how some medications say “do not operate heavy machinery or make important decisions while taking this medication?” Well, according to a new study conducted by Harvard Business School, it might not be the best idea to make certain decisions while thinking about your next big bonus either. Especially if those decisions impact other people – like your boyfriend or girlfriend, your sibling, your friend, your co-worker.

Here’s an excerpt from the study:

  • People who were asked to think about luxury before a decision-making task were more likely to endorse self-interested decisions that might potentially harm others.
  • Although luxury does not necessarily induce people to harm others, it may cause them to be less considerate.
  • Limiting corporate excesses and luxuries might be a step toward getting executives to behave more responsibly toward society.