Posts Tagged ‘clean fuel’

Disney Goes Green

Thursday, March 4th, 2010

In an effort to capitalize on environmental conscientiousness and help curb global carbon emissions, Walt Disney Co. will impose a carbon tax on itself, effectively killing two birds with one stone.

  • On Wednesday March 3, 2010 Walt Disney Co. president and chief executive let it be known that the company will impose an internal tax based on how much carbon they use.
  • The proceeds from the tax will go towards “green” initiatives, such as the preservation of tropical forests and planting trees.
  • Disney has also endeavored to reduce the amount of waste it sends to landfills, assess every new capital project from an ecological standpoint and convert vehicles to use cleaner, energy-efficient fuels.

Facts & Figures

  • The carbon tax is calculated based on a unit’s projected increase in carbon emissions over a five year period—if the emissions are less, the tax is less, and vice versa if emissions are greater.
  • Disney would like to reduce the amount of waste it sends to landfills by 50% of what it was in 2006, and is already three years ahead of schedule.
  • Disney is trying to convert 2,000 vehicles to use cleaner fuels, and is even switching the steam engines that run in their amusement parks to vegetable oil from diesel.
  • Through its program “Friends for Change,” which has enlisted 1.5 million children to do its “green” bidding, the Disney Channel is doing its part to effect change.

Best Quote

“It’s the right thing to do, but it’s also the right thing to do for shareholders” – Roger Iger, President and CEO of Walt Disney Co.