Posts Tagged ‘automobile donation’

Why would you donate your old car?

Monday, June 15th, 2009

Donating your used car is a win-win situation, and who doesn’t like to win?

If you have a car just sitting in the driveway that may not be worth the hassle of selling, donation is a very good option. Many different kinds of charities accept cars – even if they don’t use the cars themselves, they can sell each vehicle at auction and keep the profit as a monetary donation. If you don’t want to go through a big charity, you can look around in your community and think about where a donated car could make a difference.

Not only will you get the great feeling of helping out a person or an organization in need, but there’s a simple incentive for you as well: donations to many charities are tax-deductible, which means you may be able to write off the value of your automobile donation and save money on your taxes this year!