Today at TILE… The Power of Networks

September 22nd, 2009

Today at TILE we talked about this week’s gatherings in New York City, some of the people who are attending, and the potential impact powerful networks can make in the world. Why are all these “heavy hitters” coming to New York (and making traffic even more crowded)? What are they hoping to accomplish? Is it something that makes a difference to me?

Specifically, the UN General Assembly, the Clinton Global Initiative, and Climate Week NYC are bringing royalty, heads of state, business leaders, celebrities, directors of non-profits, and just some “people who care” to center stage. Each forum has a unique objective, yet at the same time each asks their members and participants to consider the relationship between individual responsibility and collective action – what can you contribute to the things that matter to you, your business, your organization, and your world?

Organizations like these exist in all kinds of shapes and sizes. They range from the most prominent, such as the World Economic Forum in Davos, to the most traditional, such as the New York Stock Exchange, to the most virtual, such as Facebook, to the most fun, such as a sorority or fraternity, to the most informal, like when you and your friends decide to raise money by biking cross country or running a race. What makes them effective is the ability to attract different kinds of people and different points of view. What we learn from these networking events is that a call to action is much more effective when all the decision makers or influencers are in the same room. For example, when it comes to the New York Stock Exchange, it isn’t just about showcasing the impact that companies have on the market, but also the impact government organizations/politicians, non-profits and cultural icons have on the market. Think about climate change or the fight against breast cancer. It is easier for politicians to approve funding or ease restrictions on research and development when they know there is public support – and companies will allocate more of their R&D when they know government is supportive and consumers are advocates. It can be a virtuous cycle when everyone gets together and realizes they can actually help each other towards mutual goals.

So what do these networks mean for the TILE community? Well, just because you are in one, doesn’t mean it will be a success. Just like relationships, you need to nurture them or they can become dysfunctional or start acting like a baseball team that is 0 and 10 (not fun or effective!) At the same time, when they work they can be really powerful. You get to engage with people who have similar passions and interests. Whether for a business, political, cultural or meta cause, it is usually the case that more gets done the more people come together and pool their resources (financial or otherwise). Have you been wanting to take a stand? Give more of your time to a special cause? Most likely there is either an existing network or an easily reachable group of people that share your interests – go find them and make a difference. I guarantee you the group will benefit from your involvement. In that context, we hope TILE makes it easier for you to find and learn more about the things that interest you. And who knows, it could turn into a powerful network along the way!

- Amy

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