Do I need to buy a hybrid to drive green?

June 18th, 2010

Hybrids are pretty cool, but the most powerful tool for eco-friendly driving is YOU. Changing the way you drive can help keep the environment clean and save you money no matter what kind of car you drive. “Hypermilers” take this to the extreme and claim they can get up to 100 miles per gallon from standard model cars by strictly following certain guidelines and techniques. Here are a few simple things you can do that will have an immediate impact on your gas bill and your carbon footprint:

  • Chill out! Driving aggressively is really inefficient. Accelerate slowly and evenly and try to keep your speed as constant as possible – you burn more gas when you accelerate.
  • Slow down! Driving slower burns less gas. The difference between going 75 mph and 55 mph on the highway is HUGE in miles per gallon… and also in money for speeding tickets!
  • Take care of your car. Regular maintenance and keeping your tires at the manufacturer’s recommended pressure can keep your mpg (that’s miles of driving per gallon of gas) at its highest level.
  • Cruise… Using cruise control on the highway can keep you from creeping up to those higher, less efficient speeds, and it prevents all that carbon-spewing stop-and-go driving.

You can definitely help the environment with your money – buying green products, investing in a socially responsible manner, or giving to an Environment Cause – but you can also do a lot just by modifying your behavior. Remember, efficiency is good for the environment and your bottom line!

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