Josh Weinstein Offers Advice to Potential Entrepreneurs: Do it!

August 1st, 2011

josh-weinstein.jpgJosh Weinstein is the founder of YouAre.TV. YouAre.TV allows anyone to be on TV and interactive gameshows via webcam. He previously
founded CollegeOnly, GoodCrush, and CollegeGovs. Josh likes people,
technology, and leveraging the latter for the benefit of the former. You can check out some of his early work at

Josh was nice enough to sit down with TILE for a few questions.

TILE: What inspired you to become an entrepreneur?
Josh: My passion for creating things is the primary catalyst for me becoming an entrepreneur. GoodCrush was the first entrepreneurial project I worked on post-grad and was something I came up with in college. It was clearly addressing a problem and was used by a lot of my peers, so I was excited to continue to work on it.
TILE: Where do you get your best ideas?
Josh: The best ideas come from actual experiences when you are like “I really wish I had something that could do X” — that’s how I came up with the CrushFinder originally. YouAreTV came about in the same way.

TILE: Which start-up are you most proud of and why?
Josh: Tough to say between GoodCrush and YouAreTV. GoodCrush was cool because we clearly hit a need and people really liked it. YouAreTV, however, is really novel and disruptive.
TILE: How has your experience as an entrepreneur – personally, financially and in business – compared with your expectations?
Josh: Patience is of the essence in entrepreneurship. You hear about a lot of homeruns that seems to be magic right out of the box, but it’s not like that for the majority of the cases. Even some of those instant homeruns weren’t instant — Groupon for example, was a pivot from a failing venture.
TILE: What advice would you give to any young people considering entrepreneurship?
Josh: Do it. Learn to code.
TILE: Help our members learn from your mistakes…What’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever done in your financial life?
Josh: I worked with an outside firm to code some of our site – they were incredibly expensive but ostensibly some of the best in the world. It was a massive waste of money and they didn’t care about our stuff at all, it didn’t even work at the end. I should have used our money to focus on building a team internally instead of a) racing to get the product out b) working with people who weren’t invested in the same way.

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