Posts Tagged ‘CD’

How many different types of bank accounts are there?

Thursday, June 30th, 2011

It’s pretty simple; once you’ve put your money in a bank, it usually lives in one of four types of accounts:

1. Checking – usually doesn’t earn interest, but the money is easy to access (like at the ATM or when you write a check)

2. Savings – earns a little bit of interest and is usually easily transferable to an attached checking account

3. CD – earns more interest than a savings account, but you agree not to take the money out for a set period of time

4. Money Market – earns more interest than a savings account, but the rate can fluctuate and there may be other account restrictions

It’s important to remember that these accounts are typically used to hold money you need today and the near future. If you have more money and are interested in earning greater return for the more distant future, talk to your financial advisor about other types of investments.

A CD is…

Friday, August 21st, 2009

A CD is a Certificate of Deposit, which is basically a savings account with a higher interest rate. In return for the higher rate, you aren’t allowed to touch your money for a set period of time. In general, shorter periods of time (like three months) have lower interest rates, while the longer time periods have much higher ones.