Archive for the ‘Grow Page’ Category

How Much Power Should We Give The Fed?

Tuesday, August 18th, 2009

How big should government be? Below, the Fed chairman’s arguments for why, when it comes to consumer protection, bigger is better.

  • Federal Reserve chairman Ben S. Bernanke has been spurring debate about the Fed’s proper role, arguing that it is necessary to give the government more authority.
  • Bernanke wants the Fed to maintain control over consumer lending, an opinion which differs from the policies of the Obama administration.
  • Many officials are skeptical of this plan, arguing that the government is already spread too thin, and that it cannot possibly become a successful systemic risk regulator.

Facts & Figures

  • Bernanke’s plan requires the government to examine the possible dangers posed not just by companies themselves, but by their connections to other corporations.
  • The Fed would also require big corporations to keep debt low or capital high, restricting them to a manageable size and increasing competition.
  • The government would be granted the authority to seize any institution it deemed too great a danger to the financial system.

Best Quote

“…[T]here’s got to be somebody who is responsible not just for monitoring the health of individual institutions, but somebody who’s monitoring the systemic risks of the system as a whole. And we believe the Fed has the most technical expertise and the best track record in terms of doing that.” – Barack Obama

Gross Profit is…

Monday, August 17th, 2009

Gross profit is an accounting calculation of expenses subtracted from total sales.  In other words if a company sold $100 worth of pencils in a month and it cost them $20 to manufacture, sell and pay for labor, then the gross profit is $80.

A W-9 is…

Monday, August 17th, 2009

A W-9 is an IRS form that companies use to collect and verify tax information from freelance and other temporary workers. It’s just a tax record and verification for the company so it can keep track of everyone who it has paid – the IRS wants to know about a person, even if he or she worked for only two days.

A Board of Directors is…

Monday, August 17th, 2009

A Board of Directors is a group of individuals elected by the shareholders of a company to represent the interests of the shareholders and also to govern the affairs of a corporation. The Board is an overseer not a manager of the corporation.

A Public Company is…

Monday, August 17th, 2009

A public company is a company that is traded on a stock market and its shareholders have a say in how the company is run.

An Interest Rate is…

Monday, August 17th, 2009

An interest rate is what a lender charges a borrower to use their money. It varies based on the length of the loan, the type of asset you are buying, and your credit worthiness.  For example, the average interest rate for a 30 year mortgage is 5.4% and the average interest rate for a 4-year car loan is 7.5%.

Inheritance is…

Tuesday, August 11th, 2009

Inheritance is the transfer of property, money, or other assets by law upon the death of an individual. For example, if a relative includes you in their will and then passes away, you may inherit money, a home, or maybe a car or some art that belonged to them.

A Blue Chip Stock is…

Tuesday, August 11th, 2009

A blue chip stock is a unit of ownership in a company that is recognized as reliable, resilient, and high-quality. A blue chip company is considered the best of the best, so its stock is highly desirable.

A Shareholder is…

Monday, August 10th, 2009

A shareholder is a person, company, or organization that owns stock in a company.